Thursday, May 21, 2015

RTC can make a profound difference in tree and garden management

A reconstructed garden using appropriate landscaping and plants.

Reitz Tree Care is a professional horticultural company with demonstrable experience and performance in all aspects of vegetation, tree and garden management.

Pruning, for example, is a specialised field and cannot be referred to with terms like “trimming” and “cutting back”. Urban gardens which have had regular “garden service" attention need renovations after five to 10 years, a process which needs to be approached professionally from a sound landscaping and horticultural perspective. 

RTC offers advice, planning and professional service to home-owners and developers which can avoid the unnecessary and often destructive process of “garden clean-up”.

Says Charles Reitz: “What many ‘experienced’ gardeners might think is necessary is often poor and outdated horticultural practice resulting in continuous problems and a waste of funds. At RTC we analyse, we make the list, we give the advice. We can demonstrate the difference.”

Left: A landscaping site at the beginning of the reconstruction process.

Below: The completed landscape. RTC offers advice, planning and professional service to home-owners and developers. 

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